Tuesday, February 19, 2008

College Prep

I just read a disturbing report from WestEd, the new Western Regional Educational Library. The gist of the report is that in low income and high minority schools, students all too often fall well short of the classes required for minimum qualification to the UC and CSU systems. Although revisions to the admission policies for both systems allow for top students from virtually every school in California to enter, without the required classes these students can't even be considered. The gap grows wider because no one is seeing to it that these students take what they need to go on.
The report is called "Course-taking patterns and preparation for postsecondary education in California's public university systems among minority youth", and is available at http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs.
Who is minding the store?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Administrator input

I had dinner with a school administrator from Arizona the other night. I took the opportunity to pick his brain about the use of technology in schools. I heard much of what I expected, such as the growing demand for technology, but so much of the rest of what he said was lip service. Coordination of technology is not enough; that coordination has to start with a full integration of technology into the curriculum. I hope that the powers that be will eventually see technology as the important component it is, instead of just throwing money willy-nilly at schools and hoping they can do something with it.
In that vein, I Googled my name the other day (come on, you do that too!) and found that someone at Murray State in Kentucky (The Kentucky Academy of Technology Education) had found one of the WebQuests I designed and offered it as a resource for teachers. They even listed the Kentucky standards that it meets - there are 28 of them! Take a look at their site at http://coekate.murraystate.edu/kate/tick/resource/1366/. Gee, maybe I'll be famous (NOT!).